Buy 100% Polyester Spun Yarn Dyed
Syrian Arab Republic
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Product Description
Dear Sirs:
We are interested in 100% Polyester ring Spun dyed yarn, price to be offer basis CIF Lattakia Syria.
for these items:
1: NE 20/1 100% polyester ring spun yarn dyed first quality.
2: NE 24/1 100% polyester ring spun yarn dyed first quality.
Colors: heavy, medium and light,
Best regards.
Radwan Tabbakh
Import - Export
Address: 1st. floor, 2nd.bldg.,Alriad St.
Algabria, Aleppo , Syria .
Phone: +963 21 4607 2700 // Fax: +963 21 4607 2701
Mobil: +963 933 204 447
E-mail: radwanta ()
MSN: radwantab57()
Skype: radwanta
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