Looking for Genuine Originals ONLY:
Apple iPod Touch 8GB
Apple iPod Touch 16GB
Trade OK & Trade PRO Only.
NEW only! - Highly Preferred to be Factory Sealed.
Paypal, COD & MoneyGram Only. [At LEAST for the first purchase]
Serious Professional Businesses w/ Intent for Reliable Sales.
Minimum Quantity Order MUST be (1) for the first purchase.
Why do i only allow these payment types?
Because they are secure, and safe for the buyer & seller.
Again, ONLY Genuine Originals.
(NO China Replicas, NO High Copy's, NO Refurbished, NO Used)
If you have intentions to scam us, Move Along, i can assure we have the highest quality staff that will not be fooled by your sly tactics and tricks. (If your now thinking "Ill be able to fool them", once again MOVE ALONG)
When you message me get to business fast.
This is the info i will want.
-Minimum Quantity Order.
-Shipping Details
-Price List
-Additional Specifications
-Payment Types
-Genuine or High Copy? [DO NOT message me if you have High Copy's!]
-Your Business Info
-Your Business Website
-And Your TRUE Rock Bottom Price
-I Will NOT mess around with half details and unprofessional representatives
-You are contacting ME, You Will need to negotiate your typical prices & ways, i Do Not work with stubborn business men.
Thank you for your time, Hope to hear from you soon.
Prices That Amaze
Bradley Hartzler - CEO