I am Richard Shanmugam and I own a large Distribution & marketing company called Distribution Centre ,South Africa .
At the moment I have a buyer who has 59 branch stores in South Africa
The buyer require to purchase large quantities of childrens overalls .
Ages 3 to 12 year old.
Please contact me ONLY if you are a manufacturer .
You must be able to supply me with a sample at YOUR COST .
My company will not be responsible for courier cost or the cost of the sample .
My e-mail : richard.shanmugam(AT)kznlgta.gov.za
If you have any other product that you want to introduce in South Africa
then please send me a sample together with a price list and the specifications.
I will arrange to market & sell it here .
I will NOT charge you for this service IT IS A FREE service to you .
You only pay me when I supply you with an order & the order is paid for in full .
My commission is 6% of the order .
Kind Regards
Richard Shanmugam
e-mail : richard.shanmugam(AT)kznlgta.gov.za