We are very much interested to import "Non-Chromate Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals" For C&F Chittagong on emergency basis. Please be noted that, only serious Manufacturers and Suppliers immediately contact with us.
For more detail Specification & information, please contact us immediately. And also please clearly specify your contact information (email, web etc.).
Please confirm urgent your possibility to supply the same in order to finalize the deal favoring yourself and do not hesitate to contact us for further inquiries.
Thanking You.
Best Regards.
Muhammad Mohiuddin
(Managing Director)
Galaxy Trade International.
Galaxy Building Complex.
Road # 32, House # 491 (1st floor)
New D.O.H.S. Mohakhali
Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
Phone : +88-02-8856561, 8856562, 9884728, 9862882
Fax : +88-02-9883466
Mobile : +88-171-527806, +88-173-036565