Does your company supply or manufacture pink football jersey and socks suitably for ages between 12-18 years old caucasian girls? If so, please provide me detailed info including images, design, wholesale price, brand, material quality and made in, range of sizes, etc.
How much is it per jersey with one colour (white) printing on the front and back and maybe on the sleeves? And how much without printing?
I am looking at buying 700 pink football (soccer) jersey and 500 pairs of pink socks. Will you cover shipping cost?
Do you also manufacture customised track suits? If so, please provide further details including including some sample images, design, wholesale price with and without printing, brand, material quality and made in, range of sizes, etc. What is the minimum order, if any?
If you're not ready to answer my questions above or do not answer my questions above when replying email to me, please do not contact me because it's a bloody waste of time.
Thank you.