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Sourcing Channel > All RFQs > Beauty & Personal Care > Glyphosate TC 62%

Glyphosate TC 62%

102 Iran


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Product Description

As we are the exclusive manufacturer of two veterinary ectoparasiticides
(Butox 50, under license of INTERVET INTERNATIONAL B. V. And Neocidol 600, under license of ZAGRO Co. ) in Iran, and many of the other products which have been produced and sold by us (please visit our website for further information) and have an excellent relationship with the other manufacturers of pesticides, are willing to open a new line for importing Technical Grades of Pesticides, as an exclusive representation in Iran for sales and distribution of above mentioned materials to whole Iran market for every producer and manufacturer in Iran, moreover our own usage in our main factory.

So, at first step, our request for a part of little section of our own usage is purchasing 1 Technical Grades item as: Glyphosate TC 62%, one container 20 F.

Please offer us your competition price list for above mentioned item both by Euro and US D for C&F Bandar Abbas included inspection fee and delivery time forecast for usance 180 days and/or LC at sight payment.

Your kindly reply is appreciated.

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Contact information

Company Name:Arian Teb Parto Co., Ltd.