Austral Trading Group is an Australian based importer and seller of HIGH QUALITY replica clothing (such as Ralph Lauren, Versace, D&G and Lacoste), replic handbags (such as LV, Fendi, Hermes and Gucci), replica watches (such as Omega, Rolex and Tag) and Sunglasses (such as Arnettes, Armani, Oakley and Prada).
We want to buy these products from sellers who can guarentee photos of products, shipping details (including tracking numbers where available) and who guarentee the products are very similar to the real thing. Selling replica goods is great for consumers as it allows them to have the look or style that only the wealthy can afford at a fraction of the cost. It means they are not excluded from society in one way. If you are able to provide us with any of the above replica products, or you think you have a replica product that may be of interest to us, please be in contact.